
Jasper County says alleged embezzled money was collected from permit fees

Jasper County says alleged embezzled money was collected from permit fees

Uncovering the Misuse of Funds: Jasper County Tackles Embezzlement Allegations

In a startling revelation, Jasper County officials have uncovered a case of alleged misuse of funds by a former community development employee. The employee, Shelby Hobbs, has been arrested and charged with theft and forgery, raising concerns about the integrity of the county's financial practices. The investigation has prompted immediate action from the county's leadership to address the issue and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Safeguarding Public Trust: Jasper County's Proactive Approach

Uncovering the Alleged Misuse of Funds

Jasper County officials have reported that the funds allegedly misused by the former community development employee were not derived from county property tax dollars. Instead, the employee, Shelby Hobbs, is accused of misusing more than ,000 collected from permit fees. The county's swift response to the situation has been commendable, with immediate notification of the relevant authorities, including human resources, the county attorney, and the sheriff's office.

Addressing the Issue Head-On

The Jasper County Board of Supervisors, county auditor, and county treasurer have taken immediate action to investigate the situation and implement measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future. According to the county's social media post, they have "immediately changed Jasper County's policies and procedures to help ensure it does not happen again." This proactive approach demonstrates the county's commitment to maintaining the public's trust and ensuring the responsible management of taxpayer funds.

Detailed Allegations and Admissions

The criminal complaints obtained by Newton News provide further details on the alleged misconduct. Hobbs is accused of writing 42 checks to herself over the span of 11 months, either cashing or depositing them into her personal checking account. Authorities have confirmed the accuracy of these allegations by comparing the banking records of the county zoning department and Hobbs.

Forging Signatures and Unauthorized Expenses

The criminal complaints also allege that Hobbs utilized the Jasper County Community Development checkbook and signed the checks in the name of her supervisor, Kevin Luetters, without his knowledge or permission. Affidavits from Jasper County law enforcement indicate that Hobbs wrote checks for herself two to six times a month, with individual checks ranging from .42 to 0. In a single month, the checks totaled between 0 and upwards of ,417, all of which were deemed unauthorized expenses.

Prompt Investigation and Charges

The Jasper County Sheriff's Office stated in a July 10 press release that the county attorney's office had requested law enforcement to conduct a criminal investigation on a county employee suspected of misusing county funds. The investigation revealed that ,458.41 had been utilized for unauthorized expenses. As a result, Hobbs was arrested and charged with first-degree theft (Class C felony) and 11 counts of forgery (Class D felony).

Rebuilding Trust and Strengthening Safeguards

The Jasper County officials' swift and transparent response to this incident demonstrates their commitment to maintaining the public's trust and ensuring the responsible management of taxpayer funds. By immediately addressing the issue, implementing policy changes, and pursuing legal action, the county has taken proactive steps to prevent similar occurrences in the future and uphold the integrity of its financial practices. This approach serves as a model for other local governments seeking to safeguard public resources and maintain the confidence of their constituents.
