
‘Destiny 2’ Has Made All Its Raids Harder, Is That Good Or Bad?

‘Destiny 2’ Has Made All Its Raids Harder, Is That Good Or Bad?

Destiny 2's Challenging New Raid Format: Balancing Difficulty and Accessibility

Destiny 2's latest update has introduced a significant change to the way raids are experienced, sparking a debate within the community. While some players welcome the increased challenge, others express concerns about the impact on casual and new players. This article delves into the nuances of this controversial decision and explores the potential implications for the Destiny 2 player base.

Empowering Challenges, Dividing Opinions

Embracing the Power Disadvantage

Destiny 2's new raid format has instituted a universal power disadvantage of -5 for all raids, regardless of their age or difficulty. This means that players will no longer be able to overpower encounters through level progression, forcing them to rely on strategic gameplay and specific loadouts to overcome the challenges. Bungie's intent behind this change appears to be multifaceted.First, the developer aims to address the community's complaints about a lack of truly challenging content outside of contest-mode raids and Grandmaster Nightfalls. By introducing a consistent power disadvantage, Bungie hopes to restore the sense of accomplishment and mastery that comes with conquering pinnacle activities.Additionally, the power disadvantage is coupled with the introduction of weekly burns, which empower certain elemental damage types or weapon archetypes. This mechanic is designed to shake up the meta and compel players to experiment with different loadouts and strategies, rather than relying on the same tried-and-true tactics.

Divided Perspectives

The community's reaction to this change has been mixed, with long-time, high-profile raiders expressing concerns, while the "average player" sentiment appears to lean towards the change being detrimental.On one side, experienced raiders argue that the power disadvantage and the need to adapt to weekly burns make raids more exhausting and less enjoyable, especially when it comes to sherpa-ing new players through the content. The increased difficulty can also act as a barrier to entry for casual players, who may find the experience overwhelming.On the other hand, some players believe that the increased challenge is a positive step, as it aligns with the notion of raids being the pinnacle of Destiny 2's endgame content. They argue that the power creep over the years has made raids too easy, and that the new format helps to restore the sense of accomplishment and mastery.

Striking a Balance

There is also a middle-ground opinion that suggests making raids harder is acceptable, but the implementation of rotating surges themselves may not be the best approach. The argument is that the power disadvantage and the need to adapt to different loadouts can create an artificial difficulty that detracts from the core raid experience.Proponents of this view believe that the focus should be on enhancing the raid design itself, emphasizing mechanics and smart play, rather than simply making enemies more powerful. They point to examples like Salvation's Edge, where the challenge stems from the complexity of the encounters rather than raw enemy strength.

Analyzing the Impact

Bungie has acknowledged the community's feedback on this issue, and it remains to be seen whether any changes will be made in the future. The developer is likely analyzing data on raid attempts and completions to gauge the impact of the new format.If the data shows a significant drop in raid participation and completion rates, especially among casual and new players, Bungie may reconsider the approach. The goal, after all, should be to strike a balance between providing a challenging endgame experience and maintaining accessibility for a diverse player base.

The Path Forward

As Destiny 2 continues to evolve, the community's feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the game's endgame content. While the new raid format may be divisive, it presents an opportunity for Bungie to refine the experience and find a middle ground that satisfies both the hardcore raiders and the casual players.Ultimately, the success of this change will depend on Bungie's ability to listen to the community, analyze the data, and make informed decisions that prioritize the overall health and enjoyment of the Destiny 2 experience.
