
IDEA Lab® Kids Franchisee Wants to Empower Local Youth Through STEAM Education

IDEA Lab® Kids Franchisee Wants to Empower Local Youth Through STEAM Education

Empowering the Next Generation: Mag Atem's Journey to Bring STEAM Education to North Carolina

Mag Atem's search for a STEAM education program that catered to her children's diverse interests led her to discover IDEA Lab Kids, a franchise with a rich STEAM curriculum. Now, she is bringing the franchise to Southwest Cabarrus County in North Carolina, with the goal of creating an environment where all children feel empowered and capable of achieving their dreams.

Unlocking the Potential of Every Child

A Mother's Mission to Provide Enrichment and Opportunity

As a mother of three young girls, Mag Atem's franchising journey began with a desire to find a program that would nurture her children's unique talents and interests. With one daughter passionate about science and coding, another captivated by art, and the third drawn to fashion and culinary arts, Atem recognized the need for a comprehensive educational platform that could cater to these diverse inclinations.Atem's background in project management and engineering made her particularly attuned to the importance of STEM education. When she discovered IDEA Lab Kids, a franchise with a robust STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) curriculum, she knew she had found the perfect fit. "I loved the rich STEAM curriculum," Atem shared. "The STEM aspect of it was very intriguing."But Atem's motivation went beyond just finding a suitable program for her own children. She saw this as an opportunity to make a lasting impact on her local community. "This is more of an avenue and platform to provide enrichment programs to boost knowledge and experience, rather than just a business," she explained.

Empowering the Next Generation to Reach for the Stars

Atem's vision for her IDEA Lab Kids franchise is to create an environment where all children feel empowered and capable of achieving their dreams. She wants to instill in them the belief that they can learn exceptional skills and pursue any career they desire, without feeling limited by societal expectations or doubting their own abilities."My goal is that any kid who walks through the doors can leave with the feeling that they can be anything they want to become," Atem said. "They can learn phenomenal skills and gain a base of knowledge for any future career in the STEM space. They won't feel like they aren't intelligent enough or aren't in the class of people."Atem's personal experiences have shaped her deep commitment to providing a supportive and nurturing environment for the children in her community. As a young woman who lost her father at the age of 19, she understands the importance of having positive role models and a strong support system. "I want to offer that space where they can come and they have people who believe in them, and are happy to teach them skills they can build on," she said.

Expanding the Reach of STEAM Education

In addition to offering a rich STEAM curriculum at her IDEA Lab Kids franchise, Atem is also excited about the opportunity to collaborate with local schools. She plans to extend the franchise's educational offerings as an extension of the academic day, STEM Club, or as part of the after-school program."I am also excited to offer our curriculum to schools in the area, as an extension of their academic day, STEM Club or as part of their after school program," Atem shared. "This will allow us to reach even more children and provide them with the hands-on, engaging STEAM experiences that are so crucial for their development and future success."By partnering with schools, Atem aims to ensure that every child in her community has access to the transformative power of STEAM education, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. She believes that by empowering children with the skills and confidence they need to thrive, she can make a lasting impact on their lives and the future of her community.

A Supportive Franchise Journey

Atem's decision to become a franchisee with IDEA Lab Kids was not one she took lightly. She conducted extensive research, speaking with other franchisees and seeking legal advice to ensure she was making the right choice."I don't know if all brands are like this, but IDEA Lab Kids really lays out all the steps for you to walk through," Atem said. "I don't have any time where I felt like I was going to fail. I felt like I had been a part of the IDEA Lab Kids family for a long time."Atem's background as a project manager and her experience in the consulting business also prepared her well for the challenges of franchising. She recognized the importance of thorough planning and execution, and she was not deterred by the prospect of balancing her full-time job with her entrepreneurial endeavor."I currently still work full-time; I work as a project manager within the hospital system," Atem explained. "Just working in that service industry was very fulfilling for me. So I started my consulting business, but some part of me wanted to do service again — build a legacy to help serve the community long term and show my kids how to do it as well."Atem's unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on her community, combined with the support and guidance of the IDEA Lab Kids team, has set her up for success as she embarks on this exciting new chapter.
