
RNC Milwaukee 2024; restaurant food delivery, preparation

RNC Milwaukee 2024; restaurant food delivery, preparation

Navigating the RNC: Milwaukee's Restaurants Prepare for the Influx

As the Republican National Convention (RNC) approaches, Milwaukee's bars and restaurants near the event's epicenter are gearing up for the anticipated surge of visitors. From stocking up on supplies to adjusting their operations, these establishments are taking proactive measures to ensure they can cater to the needs of the convention-goers and media personnel.

Embracing the Opportunity: Milwaukee's Culinary Scene Readies for the Spotlight

Adapting to the Logistical Challenges

Restaurants and bars closest to the RNC's security zone face the most significant logistical hurdles. These establishments must navigate the complexities of increased foot traffic, delivery restrictions, and the uncertainty of what the convention will bring. Joahn Martinez, the owner of Build-a-Breakfast/Build-a-Burger, located within the yellow soft security zone, has already taken precautionary measures. "We already got all our deliveries pre-delivered for the RNC," Martinez said, acknowledging the potential delays in food truck deliveries due to the heightened security measures.Similarly, Mader's Restaurant, situated even closer to the hard security perimeter, is also taking proactive steps. Head chef Tony Hood expressed concerns about the impact of delivery screenings, stating, "I'm hoping it's not going to impact that, but I like to get all my deliveries kind of early." The director of operations at Milwaukee Brat House echoed these sentiments, revealing their efforts to limit the number of deliveries during the RNC to avoid potential disruptions.

Strategizing for Success

While some establishments are bracing for the challenges, others are embracing the opportunity to showcase their culinary offerings. Amilinda, a small, independently owned restaurant specializing in Iberian-inspired cuisine, is located outside the RNC security zone. Owner Gregory León is hopeful that the influx of media personnel and convention-goers will bring new customers to his establishment. "Hopefully, the press are going to come and visit us. A lot of them are staying in the hotel next door," León said.To accommodate the anticipated crowds, some restaurants are adjusting their operating hours and menu offerings. Mader's Restaurant, for instance, plans to stay open until 3 a.m. during the RNC, catering to the late-night needs of the attendees. The director of operations at Milwaukee Brat House revealed their preparations for a "Bucks Championship-level of busy" next week, indicating their readiness to handle the surge in demand.

Leaving a Lasting Impression

Beyond the logistical considerations, these establishments are also focused on leaving a lasting impression on the RNC attendees. Gregory León of Amilinda expressed his hope that the convention-goers will depart with a newfound appreciation for Milwaukee's culinary scene. "I hope that convention goers leave with a different opinion of Milwaukee," León said, reflecting the broader sentiment of the city's hospitality industry.As the Republican National Convention approaches, Milwaukee's bars and restaurants are rising to the occasion, showcasing their resilience, adaptability, and commitment to providing an exceptional dining experience for all who visit. From navigating the logistical challenges to strategizing for success, these establishments are poised to leave a lasting impression on the RNC attendees and solidify Milwaukee's reputation as a vibrant and welcoming culinary destination.
