
Op-Ed: Steering Away from Car Dependency Is Not About Toughing It Out

Op-Ed: Steering Away from Car Dependency Is Not About Toughing It Out

Unlocking Mobility: Empowering the Carless in Our Communities

Anna Zivarts, a low-vision nondriver, has penned a powerful book that sheds light on the daily struggles faced by those who cannot or choose not to drive. "When Driving Isn't an Option: Steering Away from Car Dependency," published in May 2024 with Island Press, offers a poignant and personal account of the frustrations, dangers, and sometimes deadly situations that involuntary nondrivers encounter. In a heartfelt letter to her mother, Zivarts addresses the book's message and the need for communities to prioritize accessible, inclusive transportation options for all.

Redefining Mobility: A Call for Inclusive Communities

Challenging the Narrative of Toughness

Zivarts acknowledges her mother's admirable resilience and determination, which have been a source of inspiration. However, she cautions against interpreting the book's message as a challenge to prove one's toughness by biking or walking in difficult conditions. Zivarts emphasizes that the ability to navigate communities without a car should not be a measure of moral fortitude or personal greatness. Rather, she argues that accessibility should be the norm, not the exception.

Recognizing Diverse Needs and Abilities

Zivarts reminds her mother that not everyone has the same physical capabilities or resources. She acknowledges that even her own mobility freedom, which she gained through her mother's guidance, is diminishing as she ages. Zivarts emphasizes that mobility should not be contingent on physical strength or the ability to drive, as this excludes a significant portion of the population, including those with disabilities, the elderly, and the young.

Reframing the Narrative: Mobility as a Right, Not a Privilege

Zivarts argues that accessing one's community should not require specific physical abilities or the ownership of a car. She challenges the notion that being unable to bike up a hill or drive in inclement weather is a sign of moral failure. Instead, she advocates for a shift in perspective, where mobility is seen as a fundamental right, not a privilege reserved for those with certain physical attributes or financial means.

The Urgency of Change: Addressing Car Dependency

Zivarts highlights the alarming statistic that nondrivers, including people with disabilities, the elderly, and the young, make up 30% of the population. She emphasizes the pressing need for communities to prioritize the development of transportation alternatives that cater to the diverse needs of all residents. By reducing car dependency and investing in transit, walking, and cycling infrastructure, communities can not only improve the lives of nondrivers but also tackle pressing issues like carbon emissions, car crashes, and pollution.

A Call to Action: Engaging the Community

Zivarts encourages her mother, and all community members, to actively participate in shaping the future of their neighborhoods. She suggests attending city council meetings, advocating for sidewalks and transit funding, and even pushing for direct public transportation connections to improve accessibility. Zivarts emphasizes that by engaging in these efforts, even those who can still drive can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by nondrivers and become champions for inclusive, sustainable transportation solutions.

Embracing the Future: Mobility for All

Zivarts envisions a future where mobility is not a privilege, but a fundamental right. She challenges the notion that physical toughness or the ability to drive should be the measure of one's worth or independence. Instead, she calls for the creation of communities where walking, rolling, and using public transit are viable and comfortable options for all, regardless of age, ability, or financial status. By embracing this vision, Zivarts believes communities can not only improve the lives of nondrivers but also contribute to a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future.
