
Perspective | ‘Concord’ is Sony’s expertly crafted big bet. It’s just a few years late.

Perspective | ‘Concord’ is Sony’s expertly crafted big bet. It’s just a few years late.

Concord: Blending Genres, Seeking Distinction in a Crowded Marketplace

Concord, the upcoming hero shooter from Firewalk Studios, a first-party Sony developer, is a game that seems to be trying to please everyone. With its eclectic blend of visual and audio influences, the title aims to capture the attention of a diverse audience. However, as the article explores, the game's attempt to straddle multiple genres and styles may ultimately hinder its ability to stand out in an increasingly competitive market.

Crafting a Unique Identity in a Saturated Genre

Blending Influences, Seeking Cohesion

Concord's visual and audio design present a curious mix of influences, drawing from the retro-futuristic aesthetics of 1970s science fiction, as seen in Guardians of the Galaxy, while also incorporating a modern, orchestrated soundtrack reminiscent of superhero-themed elevator music. This eclectic blend of styles creates a sense of dissonance, leaving the player unsure of the game's intended tone and identity.

Navigating the Hero Shooter Landscape

Concord's gameplay design clearly takes inspiration from the hero shooter genre, popularized by the likes of Overwatch. The game features a diverse cast of characters, each with unique abilities and roles within a five-player team, tasked with completing various objectives. While the gameplay is well-executed, it struggles to differentiate itself from the established titles in the genre, such as Valorant and the upcoming Marvel Rivals.

Crafting Compelling Characters and Narratives

One of Concord's distinguishing features is its promise of weekly cinematic narrative episodes, delivered through high-fidelity motion capture and facial animation. However, the game's characters, despite their visual polish, lack the charisma and distinct personalities that have made Overwatch's cast so memorable. The article notes that the characters in Concord seem to be derivative of the Guardians of the Galaxy archetypes, making it difficult for players to connect with them on a deeper level.

Navigating the Risks of High-Budget Game Development

The article highlights the challenges of developing a high-budget game in a rapidly evolving industry. As games can take up to five years to complete, the risk of chasing trends and sounding outdated by the time of release is ever-present. The article suggests that Concord may have been better served by exploring alternative multiplayer experiences outside of the hero shooter genre, as evidenced by the success of Sony's recent release, Helldivers 2.

Carving a Path to Distinction

At , Concord enters a crowded marketplace, where it must compete with established titles and the ongoing popularity of the Overwatch series. While the game's gameplay is solid, the article argues that Concord needs to better distinguish its characters, story, and writing if it hopes to become a hit. The jury will be out until the first weekly narrative episode is released, as that may be the key to unlocking Concord's true potential and capturing the attention of players.
