
A story that resonates: New play ‘Seeking’ at Broward Center is all about family, forgiveness and the pursuit of one’s dreams

A story that resonates: New play ‘Seeking’ at Broward Center is all about family, forgiveness and the pursuit of one’s dreams

Uncovering the Emotional Journey of "Seeking": A Powerful Play Exploring Fatherhood and Self-Discovery

Marlo Rodriguez, a dedicated artist, reflects on her involvement in the stage reading of the play "Seeking" in 2022, which resonated deeply with the audience. Now, she has the opportunity to return to the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to be a part of the full production of this captivating new work by playwright Darius V. Daughtry.

A Profound Exploration of Fatherhood and Self-Discovery

Connecting with the Audience's Experiences

Rodriguez vividly recalls the impact of the 2022 stage reading, where she witnessed firsthand how the play's central character, a young musician grappling with the absence of his father, struck a chord with the audience. "It provided another place of healing and a connection for [the audience]. I was able to see firsthand just from us reading the play to people how much it moved them," Rodriguez said.

A Deeply Personal Journey

"Seeking" follows the journey of a young musician who inherits a substantial sum of money after the death of his estranged father. As his world changes, the musician embarks on a profound self-discovery, exploring the type of person he wants to become and whether he can find the capacity to forgive his father. Daughtry, the play's creator, reveals that the story is partially autobiographical, drawing from his own experiences and the impact that events can have on individuals as they mature.

A Collaborative Effort of Talented Black Artists

Rodriguez's involvement with "Seeking" began when she auditioned for the play about three years ago. Since then, she has become deeply invested in the project, frequently volunteering and teaching art for Daughtry's Art Prevails Project, a South Florida-based performing and literary arts organization. Rodriguez speaks highly of the collaborative environment, describing her fellow cast members as "a team of just such kind and brilliant Black artists."

Exploring Honesty and Authenticity

Daughtry, the founder and director of Art Prevails, emphasizes the importance of honesty and authenticity in the play. "This show is honest, and sometimes in art or in life, and more so in life, we are not very honest. Even with ourselves, right? Most of the time we're not honest with ourselves," he said. The play's characters, he explains, may not have started off being entirely honest, but their journey is marked by moments of honesty with themselves and with each other.

A Relatable and Inspiring Story

Xaire Goodridge, who portrays the lead character in the production, was drawn to the role due to his own personal connection to the story. As a musician himself and someone who grew up without a father, Goodridge found the character's experiences to be profoundly relatable. "Seeing as how I grew up without my father, it's been a challenging experience, because there are a lot of different interactions where I have to tap into something that, in the past, I tried to avoid," he shared.

Amplifying Diverse Voices through the Arts

"Seeking" is part of the Broward Center's Arts for Action: Black Voices program, which aims to use the arts as a platform to amplify diverse voices. Daughtry has previously collaborated with the Broward Center, and Jan Goodheart, the center's vice president of external affairs, expresses enthusiasm for continuing to work with Daughtry and the Art Prevails Project. "Our work with Darius so far has all been outstanding. Darius produces original work that is thought-provoking, very engaging and always leaves audiences really feeling inspired," Goodheart said.

A Multifaceted Exploration of Family, Dreams, and Relationships

Daughtry eloquently summarizes the essence of "Seeking," describing it as a play that delves into the themes of family, the pursuit of dreams, and the ways in which the past can influence the present and future. "It's about a young man aspiring to be a musician, and all the things that come into play with his pursuit for his dream," he said.As the production of "Seeking" takes the stage at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, audiences can expect a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of fatherhood, self-discovery, and the human experience. With a talented cast, a compelling narrative, and a commitment to authenticity, "Seeking" promises to leave a lasting impact on all who experience it.
