
Verse & Vision: Exclusive Conversation with Astrid Young on Music, Writing, and Creative Mastery

Verse & Vision: Exclusive Conversation with Astrid Young on Music, Writing, and Creative Mastery
Unlocking the Creative Tapestry: Astrid Young's Artistic JourneyWelcome to an exploration of the multifaceted world of Astrid Young, a Canadian treasure whose creative journey has spanned music, screenwriting, and authorship. As the daughter of esteemed journalist and novelist Scott Alexander Young and the sister of Canadian music icon Neil Young, Astrid's artistic lineage is undeniable. Yet, her career is a testament to her unique talents and relentless pursuit of artistic excellence.

Trailblazing Through Music and Literature

Embracing the Artistic Calling

Astrid Young's artistic journey began at a young age, with music being a natural calling. "I've been playing music since I was a toddler… so it was in me," she reflects. Her early passion for performance and a challenge from her mother to pursue a "respectable job" instead of a career in music only fueled her determination. "Even at that age, telling me I couldn't do something was an invitation to prove you wrong. Not much has changed!" she exclaims.

Navigating the Intersection of Music and Writing

Astrid's creative expression extended beyond music, as she found herself drawn to the world of writing. Growing up in a family of writers, she acknowledges that the written word has always come easily to her. "I grew up in a writing family—my father was a newspaperman and author, his mother was a writer, my mother helped my dad write some of his books, and later on my stepmother was a newspaper editor. So it's in my blood and it's always come easily to me," she explains. While music was her initial focus, Astrid's exploration of writing has led to successes, including a short story published at the age of 15, optioned screenplays, and a bestselling book.

Embracing the Creative Process

Astrid's approach to composing music and writing books is a testament to her versatility and adaptability. When it comes to songwriting, she finds that the music often takes precedence, with lyrics sometimes proving to be a greater challenge. "With songs, the music always comes first. In truth, I'm challenged with lyrics these days. it needs to come to me, I don't force it. this is why I like collaborating with other songwriters, it's a great way to stimulate ideas," she shares.In contrast, Astrid's approach to writing books is more methodical, yet she encourages aspiring writers to embrace a more organic process. "I think one of the mistakes beginning writers make is in thinking they have to start at the beginning. Start anywhere. Just write what you're inspired to write and keep going," she advises. Astrid also swears by the "90-minute rule," where she commits to writing for at least 90 minutes a day, regardless of her mood or inspiration. "You might get inspired to go longer and you might quit after 90 minutes, but you'll always be that much farther ahead than when you started," she explains.

Balancing the Creative Demands

Astrid's multifaceted artistic pursuits have required her to navigate the delicate balance between music and writing. While she acknowledges that "gainful work takes priority," she remains committed to carving out time for her own creative projects. "I have three book projects simmering right now but I spend so much time writing for other people that my brain is a bit fried for my own stuff. So there's no balance," she admits.Astrid's approach to maintaining her creative spark is to remain open to inspiration and to trust her instincts. "I try to carve out time to be creative and hope that the muse is lurking about. I am inherently distrustful of routine. It never works for me. But I am always open to inspiration and I'm usually smart enough to jump on it when it hits me!" she exclaims.

Exploring Themes and Storytelling

Astrid's artistic expression, whether through music or writing, is driven by a desire to take her audience on a journey through her mind. "I like taking people on a ride through my mind, haha. You'll get that if you listen to my albums or read my book," she says. While she doesn't aim to convey specific messages or tell her audience what to think, Astrid's work often leaves room for interpretation, allowing her audience to immerse themselves in her creative vision.Astrid's background as a musician has had a profound impact on her approach to storytelling in her books. "Honestly I don't think the music has any bearing on my writing-writing, two different animals. Remember, I was a musician first and the music was always separate from the words for a long time," she explains. However, her experiences as a creative individual have undoubtedly shaped her unique perspective and the way she crafts her narratives.

Embracing Challenges and Collaborations

Astrid's artistic journey has not been without its challenges, but she remains undaunted. The music industry's shifting landscape and the evolving publishing landscape have both presented their own sets of obstacles. "Both industries are challenging. There's no money in songs anymore and I don't feel like I'm the kind of artist who's ever going to do well with streaming. So I'll tour until I can't do it anymore and sell my stuff that way," she shares.Despite these challenges, Astrid has embraced opportunities for collaboration, which have often led to unexpected and rewarding experiences. Her upcoming album, "How the Beautiful Get Away With Murder," features collaborations with renowned artists like David J. (of Bauhaus and Love & Rockets) and Victor DeLorenzo (an original Violent Femme). "I'll be touring this summer in the US and hoping to get back in the studio when I return in the fall, the record is actually almost finished, so I'm pretty excited about that," she enthuses.

Advice for Aspiring Artists

Astrid's advice to aspiring musicians and authors is to stay true to their passions and not be deterred by the challenges that may arise. "Pay attention to what gets you excited and keep doing those things. Don't worry about "success" because it is 100% never what you think it's going to be. That being said, crazy things can happen if you put the work in," she encourages.Astrid's own journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the willingness to embrace the unexpected. "My 20-year-old self never would have fathomed I'd be collaborating with members of Bauhaus and the Violent Femmes and making a record with Eddie Kramer—or that those people would love my music so much," she reflects. By remaining authentic to her creative vision and embracing the opportunities that come her way, Astrid continues to redefine the boundaries of artistic expression.
